Category "datadog"

Not able to see metrics on datadog sent by statsd

I am trying to integrate statsd+datadog. I have launched the dd-agent container with -e DD_DOGSTATSD_NON_LOCAL_TRAFFIC="true" , and apiKey is also correct (cont

Forward Jaeger traces to Datadog

Is there a way of getting Jaeger traces to Datadog, whether it be through a proxy, scraping traces from Jager and converting them to DD Traces, etc... We have a

Datadog wrong displaying of http.server.requests.count metric

In my project we use spring-boot2 with actuator and datadog metrics - package io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-datadog. Metrics are sent to datadog by http API

Issue in placing DataDog log annotation on deployment via ansible

I am using ansible version 2.7 for kubernetes deployment. For sending logs to datadog on kubernetes one of the way is to configure annotations like below, tem

Datadog Agent installation on Windows

I am trying to install the Datadog agent on Windows using PowerShell only, not manual however, the APIKEY is not being setup. Is there a way to update/set the A