Category "data-conversion"

How to convert List to Map?

Recently I have conversation with a colleague about what would be the optimal way to convert List to Map in Java and if there any specific benefits of doing so.

How to convert numbers to be a comma separated value in Klaviyo

I have these dynamics variables which has a number. I.E) 1, 10, 350, 1200 or 12500, etc. On Klaviyo I want to format these numbers to be comma separated if it'

Converting SVG file to Android Vector Drawable XML while keeping the group structure in place

I want to convert SVG files to Android Vector Drawable XMLs. I need the structure of the SVG. To the extend that the SVG groups multiple elements together, I ne

iOS convert large numbers to smaller format

How can I convert all numbers that are more than 3 digits down to a 4 digit or less number? This is exactly what I mean: 10345 = 10.3k 10012 = 10k 123546 = 12

iOS convert large numbers to smaller format

How can I convert all numbers that are more than 3 digits down to a 4 digit or less number? This is exactly what I mean: 10345 = 10.3k 10012 = 10k 123546 = 12