Category "cql"

In Scylla DB, How can I query the records in desc order?

I have a table in ScyllaDB: CREATE TABLE myservice.auditlog ( operatorid text, operationtime bigint, action text, actiontype text, appname t

Aerospike vs. SeaweedFS?

Aerospike is a (mostly commercial) distributed key value NoSQL database. SeaweedFS is a (open source) distributed file system that is based on Facebook’s

mismatched input ')' expecting EOF in CQL

created keyspace and using CQL but getting an Error CREATE KEYSPACE demodb WITH strategy_class = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy' ...

How do order by with one primary key cassandra?

I'm trying to use the order by feature of cassandra, but with only one primary key. But when I try to create my table, this is what cassandra returns. CREATE TA