Category "containers"

Provide files for kubernetes job

I am trying to create a Kubernetes job, that would run from some machine. I would like that job could somehow copy files from this machine into container runnin

Access Azure Instance Metadata Service ( from Windows docker container

Azure VM can query the Instance Metadata Service located at for data. However this does not work from within a Windows container running on the

Allow non-root user of container to execute binaries that need capabilities

I need to run a container as non-root user by default. However a specific process inside this container needs to execute a binary that needs cap_net_admin capab

pm2 command not working from a docker image

I have a pm2 command in my docker file which should run inside container when the container starts: CMD ["pm2", "start", "ecosystem.local.json"] CMD ["pm2", "lo

Setting the LOGGING__CONSOLE__FORMATTERNAME in aspnet6.0 image

How do I set this environment variable when I run a .NET 6.0 docker file? I have a docker image based off aspnet6.0 Docker file. By default the environment vari

Not able to create a docker image for splash scrapy app python?

I am using scrapy-splash to rendering javascript in web scrapping. So, splash run in a separate container. see here

Why I can't see pause containers in GKE containerd CRI?

I am using a GKE cluster with Ubuntu nodes & containerd as CRI. I am not able to see any pause containers the way we used to see in docker. Are they no more

how to run docker container with external application properties file?

How to run docker containers with external application properties files? & how to add properties file into the docker volume ? how to mount the volume with

Copying files with execute permissions in Docker Image

Seems like a basic issue but couldnt find any answers so far .. When using ADD / COPY in Dockerfile and running the image on linux, the default file permissio

Text Overflow inside container creating design such as messenger messages in which text is inside container in which height and width not mentioned

I want container to maintain its height and width according to the text without the text overflowing such as if there is small text width is small but if text i

How to delete all the pods which are in Error/Init/CrashloopBckoff state at one shot

I have tried below command. but this command gets all the pods which are not running for some reason any other way to do this kubectl delete pods -A --field-s

How to copy files from local machine to docker container on windows

I have to import data files from a user local file C:/users/saad/bdd to a docker container (cassandra), I didn't find how to proceed using docker commands. I'm

Why doesn't my browser refresh when the Nuxt.js dev server recompiles my code?

I am working in a CentOS 7 VM (VirtualBox, host is Windows 10) and my working directory is a shared folder. I have created a node container to develop a Nuxt.js

Best way to run volatile containers on Google Cloud

I have scripts that collect data all the time on Google Cloud VMs, but there are times when I have more or less data to collect, so I need to volatile and autom

How to automate installation of missing GPG keys on Linux

I've been working with Linux containers for several years. I am surprised that I wasn't able to find a thread about this question. Scenario: I've just added a n

docker build --build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)" returning empty

I want to be able to read the contents of the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa and pass the same to my build stage of the image. When I use the command docker build --build-a

k8s how to exec to distroless container

I want to delete a specific file from a cronJob to the following container, the problem is that when I run exec I got error, how can I exec to distroless contai

dnf, clear commands not working inside docker conatiner

Hi im trying to build a container with base os- centos:8 container image- fedora:33 when i give a dnf install command it returns with a failure, so i went insid

Is there still a need to provide default constructors to use STL containers?

I remember that back in C++98, if you wanted to make an STL container of MyClass, you needed to provide default constructor to MyClass. Was this specific to som

docker and image size limit

I've been reading a lot about this issue in here and other websites, but I haven't manage to find a proper solution on how to increase the images size limit whi