Category "console-application"

Restart c# console app after executing succesfull

How to automatically restart c# console application after a succesfull run? My program should be running continuously. And i should be like a loop but not in th

How can I re-write this input/output files so that my input file is a comma delimited file

How can I re-write this input/output files so that my input file is a comma delimited file (input.csv)? Input file (input.csv): Smith,John,87 Doe,Jane,93 Sacram

Angular get all console errors

I'm trying to catch all console errors of my Angular aplication, not only the http response error, but also those that are generated in the application. I mean,

Diagonal difference of a nested List C#

I'm trying to get from a function the absolute difference of a nested list. I have a fixed matrix, and I would like to get the result when is not fixed. At the

How to reset the console output? Clearing just shifts the output back

My console application needs to clear the screen. How do I truly clear the screen, like the reset command in Linux? I tried using methods I found on Google, li

C# Windows Messages in Console Application?

I need to use IPC to receive messages from another process. Currently I am using WPF application to receive messages using WindowsMessages but I am wondering if

Smalltalk (Pharo) How to interface with the user simply

I stumbled upon Smalltalk and further downloaded Pharo, because it was recommended. My first impression is very positive. I wanted to port some simple programs

Print character at coordinates in C

I wanted to write a vi-like text editor for Linux in C (just as a personal exercise) and I realized that it would be really useful if I could print a character

Monitor CPU and memory for Azure WebJob

I have setup application insights for a web app and I can see the performance figures such as CPU and memory consumed by the app. I have another app which conta

C# Console Application: Is there a way to detect whether the exe was run from a command line or not?

If I run my Program.exe from an existing command line window, then when it finishes and exits, the Console Output is still there and viewable. If I just double

How to show message box on .net core Console application?

I'm developing .net core console application. I want to alert to user when want to exit application. Like below; MessageBox.Show("Contiue or not", "Question",

.NET console application as Windows service

I have console application and would like to run it as Windows service. VS2010 has project template which allow to attach console project and build Windows serv

C# arrow key input for a console app

I have a simple console app written in C#. I want to be able to detect arrow key presses, so I can allow the user to steer. How do I detect keydown/keyup even