Category "conditional-statements"

i dont know where im wrong in this python code of conditional statements using if elif and else [closed]

this is what I'm trying to do but it keeps on saying something is wrong in line 15

Conditional mutate - creating a new variable with coalesce

I'm scraping data from a website and depending on the structure of the page. I have an inner join in my final table that either joins clean on WON and LOST vari

Two-part conditional sql statement

The statement below is querying a log table and I'm trying to get the max budget depending on the scenario if falls within. Error message: Expressions referenc

How to stop Python while I key in a value that indicates "break"

in the python code below, the desired output is to find the max and min from all of the key-in values (via input function) and when I key in "done", it stops (m

Automating conditional logic for database data checks in R

I am trying to do a large data check for a database. Some fields in the database are hidden, so when I am doing the datacheck, I need to ignore all hidden field

How to work on random pop ups in cypress?

I have an application, where feedback pop up comes in a page randomly; like pop up may or may not come in the page after loading it for nearly 3000ms. How to ha

Keep getting error message not all control paths return a value

bool isEnemy(const string& check) { if (check == enemy1 || check == enemy2 || check == enemy3) // if the name being checked is an enemy of this kni

Writing a query for alternative column names as mentioned below eg

The query for, If the address is missing, displays the email id. If both address and email are missing then display ‘NA’. Give an alias name as CONT

Syntax error at end of input with IF ... ELSE statement

I'm running this code: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trg_orders_check() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ BEGIN IF NEW.type = 'prescription' AND NEW

Assembler HCS12 how does register with index work with TST-instruction?

Hello this is my test code: LDX #$2000 LDY #$1000 LDD #$0000 la: ADDD #1 MOVB 1, X+, 1, Y+

Python Switch/Case Statement Adaptation

Ok, at the risk of being ridiculed for not 'trying harder', I have a scenario that I've been attempting to adapt to a pythonic switch case statement. I know py