Category "components"

How can I pass the list to the component variable in Laravel?

How can I pass the list to the component variable? I tried to add elements of a list in @php tags like this , for now,, in the future, I will fetch this list fr

Laravel Blade component method not rendering in cpanel-server but work in my localhost

I have a component RemoveBook in app/View/Components/RemoveBook and the blade component in resources/views/components/sections/parts/remove-book.blade.php. all

What does it change to declare a constant above or bellow a React functional component?

My question is what does it change to declare a constant above or bellow a React functional component (or a class component also) ? for example what is the diff

React + Material UI - Best way to prevent child tree from remount when toggling parent theme

Background I wanted to follow Material UI's implementation of toggling UI's dark/light mode theme. Link. I have encapsulated its implementation into a custom ho

How to set a component non-reactive data in Vue 2?

I have a categories array, which is loaded once (in created hook) and then it is static all the time. I render these array values in a component template. <t

RxJS: takeUntil() Angular component's ngOnDestroy()

tl;dr: Basically I want to marry Angular's ngOnDestroy with the Rxjs takeUntil() operator. -- is that possible? I have an Angular component that opens several

Laravel livewire Undefined type 'Livewire\Component'

after i added livewire using composer require livewire/livewire and creating new livewire component using php artisan make:livewire search I keep getting an er

How do I make the correct call from services using Angular?

Below, I have created a service of name util.service to call in manage-actives-crud.component.ts inside ngOnInit . Saying that everything that is different from

React - how to pass state to another component

I'm trying to figure out how to notify another component about a state change. Let's say I have 3 components - App.jsx,Header.jsx,and SidebarPush.jsx and all I'

How to create a link in React component with onClick handler?

What is proper / standard way how to create link with onClick callback function without URL? <a href="#" onClick={this.handleClick}>click me!</a>

Typescript error (2345) when pushing element to array of elements(React js)

I'm pretty new to Typescript and I was trying to migrate a component I had on Reactjs to typescript. This component is supposed to receive a number from 0-10 as

How are OO interfaces treated in component diagrams?

My component diagram is mostly components, ports, and interfaces. The interfaces have operations and attributes. They do not capture any class based OO at the m

VueJS - Object Props validation

In VueJS, how can I validate Object type props in order to ensure that the object has some specific fields defined? For example, i want to ensure that the user

react native : custom component with color parameter

Im doing the exercises to learn react native on codecademy. I am told "In React, properties are passed as objects on the first parameter to our components. You

React: Passing down props to functional components

I have a seemingly trivial question about props and functional components. Basically, I have a container component which renders a Modal component upon state ch

React functional components vs classical components

I'm trying to understand when to use React functional components vs. classes and reading from the docs they don't really go into detail. Can you give me some pr

ant design onSelect is not firing

I'm trying to use Autocomplete from Ant Design, but the "onSelect" is not firing. Everything else is working well - when I type into the search bar, my ingredie

Ionic 5 ion-tabs hiding in some specific pages

I have created tab pages and included in my app.component.html file by selector my problem is that I want to hide tab in some specific pages can anyone help me

Redhawk IDE will not display Components

When I launch the REDHAWK IDE via Eclipse, I cannot see the installed components (SigGen, fastFilter, etc). I can see the components just fine if I use the comm

React Native what exactly is the <> (empty) component

In React Native you can encapsulate a set of components in one single <View> (or similar) component. You can also encapsulate a set of components as <&