Category "compilation"

Java program runs yet compilation fails

I wrote a Java program whose filename was (intentionally) different from the class I wrote inside the file. The javac command failed as expected on both CMD and

BTF: .tmp_vmlinux.btf: pahole (pahole) is not available

Getting this error while compiling the kernel version :5.7-rc4 BTF: .tmp_vmlinux.btf: pahole (pahole) is not available Failed to generate BTF for vmlinux Try t

openGauss installation issue

i am hitting an issue when installing openGauss: File "/xxx/script/gspylib/os/", line 25, in <module> raise Exception("[GAUSS-52200] : Unable to

Why does CMake set -no-fat-lto-objects when I enable LTO/IPO?

I'm enabling IPO (inter-procedural optimization) for a C compilation of mine, using CMake: set_property(TARGET foo PROPERTY INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION TRUE)

Improving Rust binary build times

I’m just starting a Rust project and already it takes ~7.6s to build what I’d consider a simple binary. I’m using async/await a lot and comme

How can I make sure `iostream` is available to the linker?

I have the following C++ code in a file called helloworld.cpp: #include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello, World!\n"; } I would like

How do I compile Typescript at Heroku postinstall?

Instead of uploading the precompiled dist directory, I want to compile src at server side instead. Here are my scripts inside package.json: "scripts": { "

Android Studio: An exception has occurred in the compiler (1.8.0_152-release)

While running app, unable to complete compilation. Keep throwing error. I am using dagger2 library for annotation. Error:15:04:36.466 [ERROR] [system.err

Additional component is not compiled

I have Component Views and everything works fine in development but when I published I get the exception "InvalidOperationException: The view 'Components/SomeC

What is the difference within the compiler between debugging and running the code? (STM32)

somehow when i am running my code, it seems like one GPIO Port isn't being initialized, meanwhile if i am debugging, it is. I am initializing two sensors: struc

CMake - how to build Boost after downloading it with FetchContent?

My goal is to download the Boost repository if it isn't found and then build it the default way, i.e. using boostrap and b2 tools. I know, I can download it l

Recompile the java files which is decompiled by JD-GUI from a jar

I have a MyFile.jar file. I use JD-GUI to decompile it and used its "Save All Sources" options to save the files to a .zip file. Now extracted the .zip file and

Forth, interpreted or compiled?

Supposedly Forth programs can be "compiled" but I don't see how that is true if they have words that are only evaluated at runtime. For example, there is the wo

How to solve error message "gcc‬: command not found" (only with arguments) on Ubuntu

I am working with Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo), and I have GCC installed. When I run gcc I am getting an error showing that I do have gcc: gcc: fatal error

I have an error when compiling android Q kernel

I have this error:CROSS_COMPILE_ARM32 not defined or empty, the compat vDSO will not be built when i trying to compile android kernel. My phone is aarch64, and

How to remove unwanted @charset "UTF-8" from CSS (shows up after compiling SASS files)

A quick summary of our problem: We've got a @charset declaration prepended to our compiled CSS files Our SCSS files do not have this declaration so it gets adde

How to use Flambda with dune in ocaml?

I'm doing a project in which I need to optimize my code as much as I can because it takes hours to run with a normal compilation. I was told to use Flambda, but

I failed to compile C++ code on Visual Studio Code

I'm using "glut" library and trying to compile code by gcc compiler, but it gives undesireble result. When I try to build command (Ctrl+Shift+B) on Visual Studi

How to cache the compiled regex in Go

Below is my golang code. Each time validate method is called my compile method gets executed. I want to compile only once, not each time we call validate. 1)