Category "code-coverage"

Angular karma code coverage report folder not generated

When I run ng test --code-coverage, The coverage report is sometimes not generating, sometimes it is generating so I'm unable to verify the coverage statement a

PIT Coverage generation minion exited abnormally

i see the following stacktrace when running the pitest gradle task in my project after adding all the required configurations in build.gradle. Can you please he

Jacoco in Android project - what am I missing?

Seemed like adding Jacoco to an Android project would be a straightforward process, but so far it's been nothing but pain. Having tried a few guides to getting

Android Native Unit test Coverage for cpp via gcov and lcov

I am trying to run lcov and gcov on android platform for unit test coverage. I am able to generate .gcno file and .gcda file successfully via the flags. Android

XCode 13.1 Failed to generate coverage for target '' at paths

Failed to generate coverage for target '' at paths ( "/Users/bupozhuang/DeriveData/xxDemo-aacxrfgumjzqjncgymjnenzofsub/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulato

Is there a way to get unit coverage percentage (eg from jacoco) on only new code?

My hypothethical scenario is this: I have run my junit tests and generated a jacoco file my git diff shows I have changed 10 lines of code Now the intersection

Is there a way to get unit coverage percentage (eg from jacoco) on only new code?

My hypothethical scenario is this: I have run my junit tests and generated a jacoco file my git diff shows I have changed 10 lines of code Now the intersection

Gitlab CI/CD - sending comments/alerts to the gitlab UI?

Currently I have this line in my .gitlab-ci.yml file: if (( $coverage < $MIN_COVERAGE )) ; then echo "$coverage% of code coverage below threshold of $MIN_COV

How do I generate a JaCoCo report for a JAR file?

We are trying to report code coverage of tests against a pre-packaged JAR file using JaCoCo. To do this we start the JAR file using java -jar with the additiona

when i try to run solidity-coverage with truffle run coverage then I got this error

I try to run solidity coverage for testing test case and its coverage but when I run coverage command its give error like this : - command used (truffle run cov

Kotlin code coverage in CI pipeline

Interested to find code coverage tools for kotlin that work well in a CI pipeline. use intellij built in code coverage but cant use this in CI. Thanks

How to generate line coverage report with vstest.console.exe?

When I run vstest.console.exe with the parameters, vstest.console.exe App.Tests.dll /collect:"Code Coverage" /Logger:html /EnableCodeCoverage App.dll, it only g

Android studio code coverage not showing any Kotlin classes

I have 2 Kotlin based AS projects. One works fine, the other doesn't. Both have an identical structure and gradle config. I'm using Kotlin 1.1.4-2 with AS 3.0b2

JaCoCo returning 0% Coverage with Kotlin and Android 3.0

I am trying to check my code coverage for a test case that I wrote in Kotlin. When I execute ./gradlew createDebugCoverageReport --info, my file is

How to disable code coverage in sonarqube since 6.2

Since we updated to SonarQube 6.2 it seems code coverage plugin got merged in the core. It shows red flags everywhere and I can’t find how to turn it off,