Category "client-certificates"

Asp.Net Client Certificate Authentication - Issue with website re-prompting for client PIN

I have an ASP.NET 5 web application that is setup to use client certificate authentication, specifically a DoD CAC. I followed Microsoft's guidance (here) to se

spring boot ssl client cert fails with PKIX path building failed error

I am writing a rest client in spring boot that call secure server API over ssl. Here is my code: @Value("${secret: not configured}") private String secret


I've got a web site that uses SSL Client certificate authorization. All client certificates are generated using OpenSSL and are self-signed. Everything worked w

HTTP error 403.16 - client certificate trust issue

I am trying to implement client certificate authentication on IIS 8. I have deployed my configuration on a development machine and verified it working as expect

Solving sslv3 alert handshake failure when trying to use a client certificate

I'm trying to connect to a service that requires a certificate for authorization. The process is that I send the service a CSR file. The service signs the CSR a