Category "kubernetes-cluster"

Hazelcast's IMap stopped working after upgrading to version 5.1.1 on K8S

We have an "cache" (javax.cache.Cache) implementation that is a wrapper of Hazelcast's IMap. We use a composite Object key. We upgraded from version 3.12.5 to 5

Windows Containers on windows and linux Kubernetes cluster

I'm kind of new to the Kubernetes world. In my project we are planning to use windows containers(.net full framework) in short term and linux containers(.net co

Access SQL Server database from Kubernetes Pod

My deployed Spring boot application to trying to connect to an external SQL Server database from Kubernetes Pod. But every time it fails with error Failed

Kubernetes cluster default timezone?

I had a question about the timezone used by my Kubernetes Cluster. I know I can adjust the timezone of the pods( Howe