Category "chrome-extension-manifest-v3"

Youtube API getting "No filter selected" error on chrome extension when trying to call insert

I'm trying to call the youtube API to make a playlist on my channel from a chrome extension and I keep getting this error code returned back to me; domain: "you

Chrome Extension: How do I inject a script that the user provided?

I'm making an extension for chrome where the user can input a script, then press "run" to inject it into the current tab. I am using MV3 (manifest v3). Are ther

How do I send messages from a react app to my chrome extension?

I am trying to send session data in the form of a message from my React app to a chrome extension (MV3). According to the documentation, I should be using chro

Chrome Extension Manifest V3 How to Read the HTML and Text Content of a Webpage my User is Viewing

I'm trying to learn how to make chrome extensions and have been trying to learn with the new manifest v3 as my understanding is it'll be the norm in the future.

Twitter oAuth using chrome extension

I am working on twitter oauth through chrome extension. I need to get oauth_token to authenticate the user. I am referring to

Origin is changed in Chrome Extension Service Worker Fetch Request

Hi I am developing chrome extension for social media marketing. I am using fetch in service_worker to send a request on facebook but but it is not working for m