Category "can-bus"

CAPL function for printing milliseconds?

it is complex to understand the canlogs without milliseconds, is there any function that prints milliseconds in write window. i've already tried with "getLocalT

How do we emulate virtual CAN devices from host to Android emulator?

I have virtual CAN (vcan0, vcan1) in my host Linux. I want to make them available in an Android Virtual Device (AVD). I am creating the AVD using AVD manager in

What is CAN Active, CAN passive and Sleep state in CAN Network manager?

I am trying to understand the CAN network management in vehicle. During my research, I got to know that CAN network management(CANNM) will make some Mode state

SocketCAN in dotnet core

I am writing software for the device on Linux, and which should work with the CAN interface. Ideally, I would like to work with the interface without connecting