Category "bottle" | request.forms.get() returning NoneType using AJAX

I am trying to send javaScript information into a server using AJAX. After trying nearly every solution I could find on stackOverflow, bottle docs, or

gevent-socketio with Python bottle

I'm trying to put together a Python bottle application that uses gevent-socketio and am having trouble. I'm using the following versions of software: Python: 2.

How to get parameters from path in Bottle?

When i execute this url: http://domain:8081/forum?id=2&page=26 with this code: @route('/forum') def display_forum(): forum_id = p

Python bottle module causes "Error: 413 Request Entity Too Large"

Using Python's module bottle, I'm getting HTTP 413 error when posting requests of body size > bottle's internal MEMFILE_MAX constant. Minimal working example