Category "bitbucket-pipelines"

Bitbucket: Show value of variables marked as secret

For one of my repos I need to see the value I set to a secure property of a deployment (created as described in

Unable to build a docker image in a Bitbucket pipeline

When I try to build an image for my application, an image that relies upon buildkit, I receive an error: failed to dial gRPC: unable to upgrade to h2c, received

PIPE Connection to jenkins timing out

Any help sooner would be greatly appreciated I am using PIPE to connect to Jenkins pipeline from BB and using the below code in my BB.yml - step: &functiona

Daily automatic Bitbucket deploy with manual step when pushed to branch

I'm trying to set up a pipeline in Bitbucket with a daily schedule for two branches. develop : There a scheduled daily deployment running + when I push to this

bitbucket skip pipeline based on tag

Say, I have a tag based pipeline on bitbucket like this pipelines: tags: v*: - step: I don't want to run pipelines on PATCH version changes semver

Turn `ReloadOnChange` off in config source for WebApplicationFactory

This is both a question and an answer. I've fixed my problem, but it seems a bit wrong. My original problem is running my core integration tests in a b

Fastlane Apple Generic versioning not enabled in this project

What I’m doing is trying to make bitbucket pipline do my iOS CD, I included docker fastlanetools/fastlane image and in the steps i pull and run the docker

How to add a wait time before executing a step in Bitbucket Pipeline

I have a Bitbucket pipeline where it creates AWS resources using cloudformation and deploys website to it. But deployment fails even the cloudformation creates

Bitbucket Pipelines: Build iOS for CI CD without external dependency

In Android, you can easily build an APK as long as you have Android SDK image. Then create a release (internal, beta, production) automatically on PlayStore. Ho

error: Terminal is dumb, but EDITOR unset - BitBucket Pipeline

I'm using BitBucket Pipelines for the first time to SSH into a development server and perform a git pull origin branch whenever a push is made to the said branc

Why is the bitbucket pipeline variable $BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG not being converted to the repository name when building a ZIP file

I am creating a Bitbucket pipeline to deploy code from Bitbucket to an AWS EC2 instance. The steps required to do this in the pipeline are: Package all the code

Bitbucket Pipelines hangs when testing a Nuxt app with Cypress

I have a Nuxt app that I want to test with Cypress in CI. I've seen in the Cypress documentation that you have to install some third-party package to wait for t

Data not updated on the remote machine after making git pull origin master, pipeline bitbucket

I got this pipeline and a runner on my remote machine bitbucket_pipeline.yml: image: rust pipelines: branches: master: - step:

Terraform error refreshing state access denied

I'm using gitbucket for both my repository and for pipelines. I have a terraform config file with a remote state configured which runs fine on my local machine