Category ".net-6.0"

Is there a way to use .NET 6 class library project as a DLL or project reference in the ASP.NET Webforms application (.NET Framework 4.8)?

Is there a way to use .NET 6 class library project as a DLL or project reference in the ASP.NET Webforms application (.NET Framework 4.8)? I have an ASP.NET web

How can I use DB first approach in .NET Core 6?

I try to use Entity Framework in a minimal API running in a .NET Core 6 project. As far as I understand I should run dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold xxxx which I d

.NET 6 project within Jetbrains Rider on Apple M1 fails to debug or start after updating to Rider 2022.1

I am working on a .NET 6 project using Rider as IDE on macOS Monterey on an Apple M1 Pro. After updating Rider from 2021.3.4 to 2022.1 with the JetBrains Toolbo

PayPal create_order_error cannot read properties of null

I've integrated PayPal into my .NET 6 (Blazor) application. I followed the PayPal docs here to add the button. In test mode all worked fine. Now that I've chang

DispatcherHelper in Windows Community Toolkit

I am working on upgrading MVVMLight to Windows Community Toolkit and facing issues with DispatcherHelper. I am unable to find any examples which can show me how

return in if statement throws conversion error

I will apologize in advance for the long post. Just trying to give you all the information I have. I have an if statement in a method that looks like this: var

Setting the LOGGING__CONSOLE__FORMATTERNAME in aspnet6.0 image

How do I set this environment variable when I run a .NET 6.0 docker file? I have a docker image based off aspnet6.0 Docker file. By default the environment vari

Unable to resolve service for type 'Duende.IdentityServer.Stores.IClientStore'

I am migrating drom Identity Server to Duende Identity Server and using .net 6 core project and I'm getting the following error in the startup on

Script missing when implementing NetEscapades.AspNetCore.SecurityHeaders

I have implemented CSP and CORS when doing so my external script is not rendering on the page. builder.Services.AddCors(options => { options.AddPolicy(name:

Script missing when implementing NetEscapades.AspNetCore.SecurityHeaders

I have implemented CSP and CORS when doing so my external script is not rendering on the page. builder.Services.AddCors(options => { options.AddPolicy(name:

Azure File Share : Find files with same first part of the filename C#

I have large number of files in a file share directory. Some of the files have their first part of the names are similar. I have to copy these files to another

Cannot load System.Web.HttpContext error with razor pages and WebMail

I've been having trouble getting WebMail to work sending an email using a contact form using This Official Microsoft Tutorial. My current issue is that I'm get

log4net in .NET core 6

I used to use .NET core 5, but now I'm trying to use .NET core 6, it seems the old Startup.cs is mixed now with Program.cs. The thing is that I'm trying to add

Where to get libgrpc_csharp_ext.arm64.dylib?

When I try to run app with Google.Ads.GoogleAds nuget package on MacOS with M1 silicon I get the following error : Unhandled exception. System.IO.FileNotFoundE

ASP.NET Core (.Net 6) Web Application throws System.NotSupportedException when run as a service. (Service will not start)

When I attempt to run my .Net Web Application as a Windows Service, it does not start. It works if I just run the executable but mysteriously fails when attempt

Creating a (.NET 6 based) website project with ASP.NET Core and React (TypeScript) in Visual Studio 2022?

I have been trying to set up an ASP.NET Core + React (TypeScript) web app project in Visual Studio 2022, but couldn't succeed in doing so. There are no proper s

API Gateway Ocelot .Net Core 6.1 Setup

The .Net 6 have removed the Start up Class and i am not able to find out how to configure Ocelot in new .Net 6 structure. I have found two methos using Ocelot.

How to setup AutoMapper in ASP.Net Core 6

How to configure AutoMapper in ASP.Net Core 6 I have a project which is written in .Net 3.1 so we had Startup.cs class. I am migrating it to .net core 6 now whe

Blazor WebAssembly InvalidCastException when running Published version on IIS

I have a Blazor WebAssembly application that works fine when debugging, but throws an exception when running on IIS (Published): blazor.webassembly.js:1 crit: M

Running .NET 6 project in Docker throws Globalization.CultureNotFoundException

I have upgraded API project from .NET 5 to .NET 6 successfully and running fine when executed locally (without Docker). I have also updated the version in Docke