Category "bazel"

how to pass include directories from package imported in WORKSPACE to cxx_builtin_include_directories for a selfdefined cc_toolchain_config

I import cross toolchain in WORKSPACE file, how to pass include directories from gcc_arm_aarch64 to cxx_builtin_include_directories, I tried pass it by defined

How to select a platform from the command line in Bazel

I'm messing around with Bazel example files. This one in particular on github, seems to select a tool by checking which platform is detected (specified?). If I

Bazel and py_test in sandbox - any way to define outputs?

I'm running multiple py_test() configurations on number of projects. Since there's a plenty of them, the default sandboxing mechanism seems convenient - tests d

Does `bazel run` use sandboxing? If not, why not?

From my tests, it doesn't appear that bazel run runs in a sandbox. For example, I ran bazel run //:some_target --spawn_strategy=darwin-sandbox --sandbox_debug,

Loading built-in Python Wrappers in TensorFlow

I'm trying to understand the complete process of exposing the built-in low-level C++ implementations to the Python API in TensorFlow. I've been looking at the s

How to use Bazel in Azure Pipelines?

I tried to set up an Azure Build Pipeline that uses Bazel (0.26.0) My pipeline YAML definition file looks like this: trigger: - master pool: vmImage: 'wind

How to use select to properly detect whether I am building C++ code in Windows or Linux?

I am writing a sample C++ project that uses Bazel to serve as an example idiom for other collaborators to follow. Here is the repository:

Bazel repository rule- Can I access something like Java's "os.arch"?

I need to write a Bazel repository rule which downloads mysql binaries according to the required version, to the operating system and the architecture. I'l

Bazel test rule for the Python BDD tool "behave"

Question: Hello, dear bazel heroes! For our system tests, I am trying to get the behavior-driven development tool behave to run with bazel as bazel test syst

How to specify -std=c++11 option in bazel BUILD file?

How to add this option into a target description section? Thanks.

How to query sibling rules from a Bazel rule

I would like to be able to do the following in a Bazel BUILD file: alpha( name = "hello world", color = "blue" ) beta( name = "hello again" ) Where alph

Bazel build on cycle in dependency graph error

I am doing a bazel build for my project,i created a java_library rule and used at different places. but I am having this cycle in dependency graph: ERROR:

expand_template with make variables

I have a seemingly simple task that is giving me a hard time: expand a template with a variable defined by the user. I have a file (template) that has one varia

Running bazel query without downloading external dependencies

Given a rather big repository built with bazel and tons of third party dependencies in multiple languages (including heavy docker containers), I have the follow

Bazel 0.29.1 LLVM-7.0 on Centos 7

So I have a docker with CentOS 7 which has installed bazel. I've installed devtoolset-8, llvm-toolset-7.0 and centos-release-scl. I've also installed bazel 0.29

new_git_repository shallow_since field format

I've a new_git_repository containing: new_git_repository( name = "hyperscan", build_file = "//external-deps/hyperscan:BUILD", commit = "[COMMIT_HAS