Category "base64"

How to break used base64 code with exec in python

How to break used base64 code with exec in python import base64 exec(base64.b64encode('I0NvZGVkIGJ5IGNhbnBvbGF0Z2==')

TypeError about needing 'bytes' not 'str' in Python

I'm attempting to use the Backblaze B2 API to eventually iterate through some .ai files I have there, but the code that Backblaze provides in their documentatio

How To decode Base64 encoded .SVG string using Swift 5.x

I want to decode a base64 encoded .svg image using Swift 5.x. Can anybody guide me on how to do it? I have encoded and decoded base64 .png before. Need help abo

How to remove BOM from an encoded base64 UTF string?

I have a file encoded in base64 using openssl base64 -in en -out en1 in a command line in MacOS and I am reading this file using the following code: string file

Hard Code Markdown Images

I am just making a general markdown page to share a design guide with everyone on the project. I would like to know how I can hard code the images I use into th

Illegal base64url character: ' ' when getting claims/decode from token Java JWT Spring Boot

When I get some claims from a JWT Token to validate user authentication I get the following error: Illegal base64url character: ' ' Creating a JWT goes complet

How to base64 encode inputs in React?

I am trying to post two inputs with axios and I want to base64 encode them before I send them.

How to save Base64 String to file and view it using Flutter

I need to download and view file (if possible, for Image, PDF, etc) using Flutter. My problem is, the file that I want to download is Base64 String. How can I

How to resolve: javax.imageio.IIOException: Bogus input colorspace

I have a function generateImageOutput below to write BufferedImage to jpeg file. public boolean generateImageOutput(BufferedImage image, String filename){

CMD batch - encode file to base 64 and trim characters and new line

I'm trying to make a batch file from CMD with the following commands: Convert file to base 64 - using certutil command this is how the contents of the base 64

Is base64 encoded image uploading a bad practice?

Is there a problem to use base64 encoding to upload (only upload) the image to the server? Considering the common image size of around 1-2 MB, not icon sized im

How can I encode a string to Base64 in Swift?

I want to convert a string to Base64. I found answers in several places, but it does not work anymore in Swift. I am using Xcode 6.2. I believe the answer might

Matplotlib not saving axes on savfig

This code only saves this image. As you can see it's rather empty :| Where are my axes plots? start = 100 sim_rets = gbm(, n_scenarios=m.scenari

Checking file type from base64?

I have a WCF REST Service with the following OperationContract that saves files on the disk: [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "FileSave", Method = "

How to encode text to base64 in python

I am trying to encode a text string to base64. i tried doing this : name = "your name" print('encoding %s in base64 yields = %s\n'%(name,name.encode('base64',

Swift won't recognize /n line breaks after base64 string decoding

I am trying to take my base64 decoded string and print it, but the result does not recognize the line breaks. For example, print("Hi \n hello \n hi") Print l

How to mock Base64 in Android?

I am writing a Unit test for a class that uses android.util.Base64 and I get this error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Method encode in android.util.Base64 not m

React-Native: Convert image url to base64 string

I'm building a react native app that needs to store images at base64 string format for offline viewing capabilities. What library / function would give me the

Node.js get image from web and encode with base64

I'm trying to fetch an image from the web and encode it with base64. what i have so far is basically: var request = require('request'); var BufferList = requi

is base64 encoding url safe?

I'm using a node.bcrypt.js hash returning hex numbers in node.js for a password reset token. user.reset_password_token = require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toSt