Category "azure-sql-database"

Azure SQL Networking Configuration

I am trying to configure the network setting for Azure SQL server. I have got three services interacting with SQL. They are VM, Azure Data Factory and Web Servi

Enabling public access to SQL Server in Azure devops release pipelines

In order to run migrations on my Test Azure SQL which is configured with PrivateLink I temporarly enable public access and then disable it again. Set-AzSqlServe

Connect to Azure SQL - Token Based

I've tried this over on the Rstudio forums and they've suggested i post here/azure support. Azure doesn't seem to be helping right now so if anybody has any sug

List available PricingTiers for Azure SQL Database Resource

Is there any way to read list of available Pricing Tiers (SKUs) for Azure SQL Database Resource? The list of availabe SKUs (DTU and vCores) available here. Bu

How to add multiple client IP addresses at time in Azure SQL Server using Azure ARM Templates?

Currently I am working on to deploy the Azure SQL Database by adding multiple IP addresses under Firewall rules using Azure ARM templates. This is the code for

Error while running Scala code - Databricks 7.3LTS and above

I am running databricks 7.3LTS and having errors while trying to use scala bulk copy. The error is: object sqldb is not a member of package I hav

Flow: Dynamics 365 and Azure SQL Server

I have a database in Azure and I would like to bring over all the data from there into Dynamics 365. I have listed the following scenarios. I want to know if th

Connect to Azure SQL in Python with MFA Active Directory Interactive Authentication without using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory dll

To connect to Azure SQL Database using MFA (which is in SSMS as "Active Directory - Universal") Microsoft recommends and currently only has a tutorial on connec

Issue - Cannot open server requested by the login. The login fails when connecting to Azure SQL database with Python

I am using Python to query Azure SQL database. I tried connecting using SSMS 2018 and it works. Also, I have ODBC 17, 18 drivers installed. But when I try from

Generating xml with SQL Server with child namespace

I am generating an XML using SQL Server and I need the following name space: xmlns:ns0="" ns0:noNamespaceSchemaLocation

Invoke-Sqlcmd with AAD authentication

In an Azure DevOps 'release pipeline', I provision Azure resources - including SQLServer databases - and try to configure access to databases using managed iden

Create replica of Azure DB for my SQL Server using powershell

While creating replica of Azure DB for my SQL Server using powershell getting the below error. Please help me to fix. Command to create replica of DB server: 1s

EVENTDATA() for DML Triggers?

I am looking to create an audit table for my database in Azure SQL Database. The best method I have across so far in order to do this is to use triggers. I have

How to view the roles and permissions granted to any database user in Azure SQL server instance?

Could you guide me on how to view the current roles/permissions granted to any database user in Azure SQL Database or in general for a MSSQL Server instance?

How to programmatically change tier of Azure SQL Database

We have a large SQL Database running on Azure which is only generally in use during normal office hours, although from time to time, overtime/weekend staff will

How to programmatically change tier of Azure SQL Database

We have a large SQL Database running on Azure which is only generally in use during normal office hours, although from time to time, overtime/weekend staff will

Data replication from prod to read replicate in Azure SQL MI

I am in middle of finalizing database for our company. Though I have gone through multiple readings but there are couple of questions which i am still confused

'pyodbc.Cursor' object has no attribute 'fast_executemany'

I have a problem, I have a web app that is using fast_executemany in order to insert into the database. When running it on localhost it works with no problem, b

Azure point in time restore - Query for checking progress

Is there a way to check the progress percent of azure point in time restored databases? I started a restore of a 750 Gb database, and i do not know whether it h

Azure Graph Query in az graph query command

Resources | where type has "microsoft.compute/disks" | extend diskState = tostring(properties.diskState) | where managedBy == "" or diskState == 'Attached' or d