Category "azure-data-factory"

Azure Data Factory - Use parameter for typeProperties in storage event trigger

I'm having issues using parameter within a storage event trigger for the typeProperty "blobPathBeginsWith". Per default when using a storage event trigger, the

Flatten two arrays having corresponding values using mapping data flow in azure data factory

I am new to data flows in adf. I have a set of json files in a folder which i would like to parse and flatten two arrays into a csv. The json structure is as fo

POST json data (stored as json files in ADLS) to REST endpoint in Azure Data factory

I have a requirement to POST json data (stored as json files in ADLS) to REST API endpoint. I have to use Azure Data factory for this. I have gone through Micr

Azure ADF Copy Activity with Trailing Column Delimiter

I have a strange source CSV file where it contains a trailing column delimiter at the end of each record just before the carriage return/new line. When ADF is

What is the best way to import Google Analytics data into Azure Blob/Data Lake?

I am trying to import Google Analytics data into Azure Blob or Data Lake storage for analysis or reporting. But I don't see a Google Analytics connector in Azur

ADF-SQL server untrusted domain

I am trying to do a lookup from a sql server table. I am able to connect to the sql server instance via MSSQL management studio, but in ADF I get the below erro

ADF copy activity - ignore the new columns in source without throwing an error

I have a pipeline that copies data from source (dynamics) to SQL server datawarehouse. There is a ForEach activity which iterates over the list of all the table

How to inspect / visualize the current values of MS Azure Data Factory parameters and variables during the pipeline execution

I have ADF pipeline which execute SQL stored procedure (SP). The SQL SP returns output parameters. I would like to visualize the content of the output parameter

Azure Data Factory - copy task using Rest API is only returning first row upon execution

I have a copy task in ADF that is pulling data from a REST API into an Azure SQL Database. I've created the mappings, and pulled in a collection reference as fo

ADF Pipeline format datetime from XML source

I have an Azure Data Factory pipeline with an xml file as a source. The target sink is an Oracle table containing a datetime column. The mapping for most of the

Unable to Publish ADF Storage Event Trigger

I have created storage event trigger in my Azure Data Factory. StorageV2 (general purpose v2) account has been configured with it, If file is place in input con

What is the behavior of ADF schedule triggers when a schedule starts before the previous one ends?

I am trying to contrast and find the exact behavior of ADF schedule triggers and ADF thumbing window triggers when a trigger starts before the previous pipeline

Can an ADF pipeline change its Concurrency number based on a calculated condition?

Background I have an ADF pipeline that takes jobs from a “3rd party” queue (ueing a REST call), completes jobs and marks the queued message as compl

Error on source dataset with REST Connector in Azure Synapse pipeline

I am using Copy and transform data from and to a REST endpoint by using Azure Data Factory to load a file from my account to an Azure Data Lake Gen2 (AD

display aggregate function output in trailer record

We are reading csv file input which has two fields. Sample input file is given for reference source, balance 1,100 2, 200 I need to create a trailer record in

how to pass parameter to python script from a pipeline [closed]

I am building an Azure Data Factory pipeline and I would like to know how to get this parameter into the python script. The python script is l

How do I list all paths in Azure data lake gen 2 filtered by last modified date in Azure Data Factory?

We have an Azure Data Lake Gen 2 which contains 100's of thousands of JSON messages that come in on a continuous basis. These files are stored in a folder struc

Data Factory/Synapse: How to merge many files?

After generating ~90 different 100 mb gzip'd CSV files, I want to merge them all into a single file. Using the built-in merge option for a data copy process, it

Azure Data Factory (ADF) - Parse/Flatten XML file - Get content of all elements match wildcard criteria and sitting in different segments in Hierarchy

I have XML file something like below and need to get all complex elements having different names but all ends with "_KEYS" and they are part of different segmen

ADF: manage token expiration in copy data activity

I am trying to copy data from a REST API into an Azure SQL Database table. The copy data activity uses pagination and can run longer than 10 minutes after which