Category "laravel-5.3"

Comment in .blade.php template

I am new in blade template. How i comment here? PHP i can comment like this <?php // echo $games;?> Laravel Blade {{ $game }}

Eloquent insert id with sequence next value

I would like to create a new record in a PostgreSQL database table with Laravel eloquent but the table id is not auto incremented and it's make my life more dif

Laravel Migration Error

I cant seem to work out why I am getting this error on this migration file? Error [37;41m [Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError] ←

Laravel: HTML in notification

I'm using the default notification system (Laravel 5.3) to send an email. I want to add HTML tags in message. This does not work (it displays the strong tags in

Laravel multi auth - Authentication user provider [] is not defined

It works when it put 'merchant' => [ 'driver' => 'session', 'provider' => 'users', ], But It shows error when I set a different

Always have to clear cache in .env?

I am having a cache issue. I have a project and worked on local. Now whenever i upload to server and edit the .env and config/app.php file. It is not taking the