Category "azure-aks"

How to create Azure devops kubernetes service connection for to access private AKS cluster?

Creating a service connection to access non-private AKS cluster is straight forward, however if i want to create service connection for private AKS cluster is i

AKS create with App gateway ingress control fails with IngressAppGwAddonConfigInvalidSubnetCIDRNotContainedWithinVirtualNetwork error

When i try to create aks using azure cli using the following command : "az aks create -n myCluster -g myResourceGroup --network-plugin azure --enable-managed-id

Azure CLI in WSL2 uses Windows home directory

Running this in WSL2 (current folder /home/my-linux-user/): az aks get-credentials --resource-group my-resource-group --name cluster-name Outputs: Merged "clust

How to connect to azure kubernetes API?

I've deployed in Azure a cluster kubernetes with Azure Ad Integration and RBAC. I'm trying to use the kubernetes api using a user account but I don't know how t

Customizing kubernetes dashboard with company name and environment

Problem statement: Currently we are running k8s in multiple environments e.g. dev, uat,staging. It becomes very difficult to identify for us just by looking at

AKS firewall rules to allow

I’ve been deploying an Private AKS cluster. On the subnet where it supposed to be deployed I’ve assigned and UDR to force all traffic to the

"kubectl describe ingress ..." could not find the requested resource

I am trying to execute describe on ingress but does not work. Get command works fine but not describe. Is anything that I am doing wrong? I am running this agai

Azure: Activating AGIC for existing Application Gateway via Terraform does not work completely

if I activate AGIC for AKS via Terraform for an existing Application Gateway: addon_profile { ingress_application_gateway { enabled = true

Application Insights duplicated logs

I have a .net core API running under Azure Kubernetes service, with Application Insights provisioned with Terraform. When viewing Application Insights in the Az

Kubernetes Persistent Volume Mount not found

I am trying to create and mount a volume but getting stuck. This part creates the storage: apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: pvclai

Azure policies(gatekeeper) monitoring on AKS via Prometheus and Grafana

I have enabled azure policies via terraform and applied to AKS cluster. I can see pods are deployed, up and running. I applied in-built initiative here too with

AKS Ingress - multiple ExternalName services

we are migrating application to AKS. Originally it was deployed on our server and there was a directory with images on the same machine with proxy set. So we ha

How can I upgrade the AKS cluster using terraform without downtime

I want to upgrade my AKS cluster using terraform without or with minimal downtime. What happens to the workloads during the cluster upgrade. Can i do the AKS cl

Azure AKS Public IP in Non-standard Resource Group

I've been trying to manage an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) instance via Terraform. When I create the AKS instance via the Azure CLI per this MS tutorial, the

Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp: lookup <Server Location>: no such host

I'm beginning to build out a kubernetes cluster for our applications. We are using Azure for cloud services, so my K8s cluster is built using AKS. The AKs clust

Run shell script or custom data on AKS node pool via terraform

I would like to run shell script or custom data on AKS node pool via terraform script. I ran shell script via custom data on VMSS (Virtual machine scale set) th

New relic infra agent on azure Virtual machine scale set

I would like to install and configure newrelic infra agent on VMSS. I have explored links but couldn't find any helpful. Could anyone help to start working on t

Newrelic infra agent on AKS Node pool

I would like to install and configure newrelic infra agent on AKS node pool. I have explored links but couldn't find any helpful. Could anyone help to start wor

AKS - creating clusters is broken?

When I go to the "Networking" page of an existing AKS cluster, I get an error: Extension: Microsoft_Azure_ContainerService Content: ManagedClustersNetworkingBla