Category "bearer-token"

401 unauthorized browser alert after fetch call with bearer token in react

I have a get fetch request with header having Bearer token, getting 401 unauthorized error, even if the response status condition checked in the then statement,

Why Doesn't my Authorization Header need "Bearer"?

I am currently working with a group of applications that are running on two separate, but equivalent, environments (Referred to as ENV1 and ENV2). I have been u

Authorization: Any Benefit of OAuth2 for First-Party Web and Mobile Clients

I would like to know whether there is any security benefit to using OAuth2 for authorization where all clients are developed, owned and controlled by the API de

Authorization: Any Benefit of OAuth2 for First-Party Web and Mobile Clients

I would like to know whether there is any security benefit to using OAuth2 for authorization where all clients are developed, owned and controlled by the API de

Is it possible to configure Keycloak to store the access-token/JWT as a Bearer Token instead of as a Cookie?

My understanding (which may be incorrect) of Keycloak is that once an User has logged in and is authenticated, the access-token/JWT is then stored as a cookie i

Bearer token for upstream server with NGINX reverse proxy. Is the header being stripped?

I have a Tomcat server that is behind an NGINX reverse proxy applying SSL. There is a bearer token in place for API calls on the Tomcat server, but I am getting

SignalR hub with Bearer authentication

I have a problem. I have in my API JWT Bearer authentication. I try to use SignalR hub with authentication but it doesn't work for me. I think I tried everythin

Authorization in ASP.NET Core. Always 401 Unauthorized for [Authorize] attribute

For the first time I'm creating Authorization in ASP.NET Core. I used tutorial from here TUTORIAL The problem is when I sending request from postman: Authori

Is Basic Authentication a Session based authentication and why Jwt is more recommended?

I'm learning about Basic Authentication and Jwt Authentication with Java and Spring and I want to ask you if basic authentication is a session based authenticat