Category "authentication"

How can I import firebase app as browser module import?

I am trying to import firebase app (8.0.2) on the client side without bundler. I downladed the firebase-app.js from the CDN and host it on my server. The goal i

Issue with JWT token multiple simultaneously refresh with Refresh token

Tools: .NET 6 with EF Core, Vue 3 with Axios. R-Token is Refresh Token. DB is database. I have simple implementation of JWT + Refresh Token auth. Client send Lo

How to redirect to new page with Authorization Headers after login?

I have a login page. On click of login button, the details are sent to server and are validated. A token is received in return after successful validation. I ne

Error "dotnet : Could not find any project in `C:\**." when running "dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.MicrosoftAccount"

I have visual studio 2019 and i created a new core 2.2 project. now i am following these steps Configure Microsoft Account Authentication to enable exte

Slack Bolt Verification with Oauth

I've been trying to work through this for a couple of days now. I have a slack app working in development using Slack/Bolt and the built in Express Server. In d

Can i use two different tables for login in my spring boot application by spring security?

In my current project I have two separate entities. User :- TO authenticate users Customer :- To authenticate customers I'm confuse How will we manage log

Google Cloud Datastore Authentication on Windows 10

I'm setting up a windows 10 vm that has internet access (I browse the internet just fine on chrome inside the vm). I downloaded and installed the google cloud S

Access GitLab repo with project access token

According to the documentation, it should be possible to access GitLab repos with project access tokens: The username is set to project_{project_id}_bot, such

Where to set custom ClaimsPrincipal for all HttpRequests

I'm porting older application to ASP.NET Core, that uses Windows Authentication (configured in IIS, resp. launchsetting.json). I would like to override the aut

How to authenticate users from different realms against a single application?

I have the following situation: My application consists in a frontend and a backend micro service, which both authenticate themselves via the same realm on one

Keycloak: Disable redirect to account page after password reset and show message

I am using Keycloak and I want to enable Forgot password flow. I have enabled Forgot password in login and configured SMTP to send email. What I get out of the

How to implement Implicit Flow for Angular application using IdentityServer4

I have been reading the Quickstart from IdentityServer4 and still have some doubts on how to implement the Implicit flow for a SPA. My setup is the following:

NuxtJS Auth Proxy

Then using nuxtjs/auth and nuxtjs/axios nuxt is ignoring my proxy configuration. In past I have used just axios for auth. Now I am trying to use the @nuxtjs/aut

Where do I insert the code for the telegram login widget?

I want to use the telegram login widget shown in this page and the instructions ask to embed this code onto my website:

FastAPI OAuth2PasswordRequestForm dependency causing request failure

I'm using the auth scheme detailed in FastAPI's user guide (JWT/Bearer token). When I try to get a token from the /token endpoint the request fails before the p

Best practice: Generate email link to bypass authentication

I've got standard oAuth model for authenticating users via email/password combination. I would like to implement my own mechanism to generate one-time token, st

filter data in header based on API key authentication

I want to try to filter data based on API key authentication using NET CORE where the key is stored in the header. each key has its own data. is there a refere

HttpContext.SignInAsync() doesn't authenticate the user

I have been trying to create a custom login feature in ASP.NET Core 2.1. However, it doesn't seem the work and I have no idea why. This is run in the controlle

Next-Auth : How the registration is handled with a email + password credential provider?

How the registration is handled with a custom credential provider ( email + password)? Currently my [...nextauth].js looks like this: import NextAuth from 'next

Java - ATM Banking login with 3 times try pin lock

I'm new to java programming. I'm trying to make a banking system log-in that locks the user after entering the wrong pin 3 times. I'm trying to merge 2 pieces o