Category "safari"

Audio recorded from Chrome doesn't play on Safari

I'm building an app using React Js where it can record audio from users, upload the file or blob to cloud storage, and play the recorded audio from the file URL

Safari CSS relative parent & relative child with pseudo selector does not match other browsers output

I am not looking for an answer to fix the code, moreso an answer or explanation as to why. Safari will render children elements with a relative parent in a comp

How to add TLD to search exception in Safari

How can I add .locahost to the list of TLDs that Safari will load — instead of searching — without supplying a protocol? Alternatively (or perhaps a

Speech Synthesis is not working in Safari MacOS 12.3

The Speech Synthesis API does not work on Safari on MacOS 12.3 (It is working on MacOS11). I have the code below where when user clicks a button will call speak

elements over video in native full screen mode - SAFARI

This bug is appearing only in Safari on Mac OS and only with the current set up in our application. Initially I though it was a z-index issue, since some elemen

window.addEventListener('load',... not firing on Safari?

I need redirect page after it load and get param from URL. I can do by button click. But I want redirect page automatic (without user input). I am use

Angular 6 app is not working in safari browser

Angular app is working fine in IE and chrome but in safari it is not working even not showing any error and tried with polyfill and here polyfill.ts /** IE9,

How do i apply css in Safari browser to show background color and hover effect of this <li>box

i can not figure out how to address this issue with safari browser. Note the images attached. One Chrome, shows box with background color and there is also a

Firebase Dynamic links - when clicked not working in iOS

Im using firebase dynamic link to open the mobile application (If already installed) or to redirect user to Playstore or app store. In iOS mobile , I pasted the

iPhone X status bar black web app

I am working on a web-app and in testing on iPhone X using the Simulator, the status bar is completely black. How do I make my website cover the entire screen?

Stop safari from sharing canonical url

I recently noticed that the safari share sheet sends the canonical url when a user uses it to share a webpage. Is there a way to overwrite that behaviour via h

line clamp (webkit) not working in safari

display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 5; line-clamp: 5; -webkit-box-pack: end; text-overflow: ellipsis; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; overfl

Why .mkv, .flv, .ogv video file is not playing in safari?

I am using cloudinary for uploading the videos. While trying to play the video, I am using HTML video tag <video controls playsInline> <source src=

ReactJS multiple video autoplay on iOS

I'm developing a website with iOS friendly. I have some experiences of making video auto play on iOS. To make able to autoplay on iOS, we must follow these rul

Black Line appears in Safari not Chrome using Ant Design Table

I'm using Ant Design UI Library in React. Using Table Component and using fixed columns features like this, The black line appears in Safari not Chrome. I th

Image is not in center on safari mobile web

I implemented css animation to the image and it works well on explorer or chrome through the pc. Though, on safari, the image is placed in the left top corner.

Is there a replacement for "contain: content" for safari?

I am trying to find a replacement for the css property "contain: content" for Safari (since it works perfectly on Chrome), but I can't find any. Is there some k

Get IPv4 Address using JavaScript on Safari

I'm creating a web application and in order for it to run, you must have your device 'registered'. The registration process involves entering the IPv4 address o

WKWebView open links from certain domain in safari

Within my app I am want to open links from within my domain (e.g.: in WKWebView but then have links from other domains open in Safari.

HTML5 date picker doesn't show on Safari

Having previously used jQuery date picker, I have now converted some of the date fields in forms on my website to the HTML5 date picker. On the documentation,