Category "arm"

Atmel SAM D21 set fuses via ELF file

AVR processors can have their fuses programmed via the ELF file (see Is there a way to do th

Atmel SAM D21 set fuses via ELF file

AVR processors can have their fuses programmed via the ELF file (see Is there a way to do th

cross compile for armv5, but it creates v7 binary

I managed to creata an object file for arm926ej-s I am using debian arm on qemu arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.4 -static -O -c -mcpu=arm926ej-s hello.c -o hello roo

NDK: how to build a lib, so that app can work on arm(s), x86, etc.?

I never used c++ for android and NDK before. When I use it for - say - image processing I want to be sure app will work on all devices with android 2.2 and high

How to get CPU clock frequency on an ARM/Linux machine

The answer seems pretty obvious I guess but none of the possible answers given in

How to emulate TrustZone in QEMU?

I'm trying to emulate TrustZone features in Qemu. I've found two links that seems explain this process. The First Reference doesn't attach the image kernel tha

ARM Cortex-M4: Running code from external flash

Is it possible to separate base FW and application code on ARM Cortex-M4 architecture (e.g STM32 F4). What I´d like to do is to run applications from exte

undefined reference to __cxa_end_cleanup'

I'm trying to build a C++ project however as it finishes it throws this error: undefined reference to __cxa_end_cleanup' The toolchain used is ARM GCC 4.7.3

Which toolchain to use for Raspberry PI 3?

I just got my all new Raspberry Pi 3 board. I was wondering which tool-chain to use for my 64-bit pi (BCM2837). In the official github page I could find tool-c