Category "argoproj"

AMQP - Argo-events: argo-workflow not triggered

I am trying to run an argo-workflow triggered by event-source that listens to messages published on RabbitMQ. I followed the exact steps in here: AMQP-Argo Eve

What is the recommended number of Argo workflow-controller replicas in production? [closed]

In official document, the default replicas of argo-server and workflow-controller is set to 1. Should it be set to 3 in the production environ

Getting periodic slack notifications for disabled auto-sync feature in ArgoCD

We recently had an issue with one of our releases and had to rollback all our services manually. While doing so we had to disable the ‘auto-sync’ fe

Argo giving x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs error

I've installed Argo on a managed k8 service following the guidelines here. When i launch the following example task i get an error (if you have argo installed y