Category "argo-workflows"

What is the recommended number of Argo workflow-controller replicas in production? [closed]

In official document, the default replicas of argo-server and workflow-controller is set to 1. Should it be set to 3 in the production environ

Argo workflow: schedule once at a specific time

I want to trigger an Argo workflow to start running at a specific time. I am currently using a workflowTemplate and the rest API to submit a workflow with this

Argo workflow: schedule once at a specific time

I want to trigger an Argo workflow to start running at a specific time. I am currently using a workflowTemplate and the rest API to submit a workflow with this

Argo Workflow SSO not working with Azure Active Directory B2C

We are trying to integrate Argo Workflow SSO with Azure Active Directory B2C. But it is not working. Though We are able to integrate this with Keycloak perfectl

Getting periodic slack notifications for disabled auto-sync feature in ArgoCD

We recently had an issue with one of our releases and had to rollback all our services manually. While doing so we had to disable the ‘auto-sync’ fe