Category "antd"

How to run the ant-design website locally

I'm trying to run the project locally. I'm following the instructions which are straightforward. But when running npm start I get this huge error as seen below.

Ant Design form element is not submitting when the form button is clicked

I am building a web app using Django rest framework on the backend and React on the frontend. I am also using Ant Design to help with styling. I have been follo

getFieldDecorator rules for password to contain lower case upper case letters and numbers?

I am working on a react app and the views are built with Ant Design, I am validating a form and I don't know how to validate the password to contain chars of lo

Error ENOENT: no such file or directory for inversify files in React when using Ant Design Charts

This problem only exists when I'm using Ant Design Charts. I'm currently using React 18 (using create-react-app) and I tried using Ant Design Charts for my gra

How to Enable Scroll Bar iside Ant Design Modal Component Body?

I am having a modal with long content. I need to have an internal scroll bar inside the modal but there is no information about that in the documentation <M

How can I close Modal and Popconfirm of AntD when I click the OK button on Popconfirm

Recently I try to use antd. However, when I close Modal and Popconfirm components once I click the OK button on Popconfrm, it doesn't work well. It means only M

Difference between Ant Design form.setFieldsValue and initialValues prop

As the title states. What is the difference between the two? 1. import { Form } from 'antd'; const Components = () => { const [form] = Form.useForm(); f

default value for multiple select in form antd 4

I'm unable to set default value for multi select inside form. Use Case: I have created a react component that renders a select with some default props that I n

ng zorro table with pagination

I am having an issue ng zorr table with pagination. Uing pagination with seperate component like below <nz-table #dynamicTable [nzScroll]="

Antd source map not supported in React

I have an issue regarding the integration of Ant Design library in a CRA (create-react-app). After I have tried to integrate it as it is required in their docum

How to change button text language on protable filters in Ant Design Pro

I have a pro-table in ant design in which I want to apply filtering. However, the action buttons on the filters are always in Chinese as shown in the attached i

How to convert timestamp firestore to date string and display in antd table

First, i have antd table and datasource from firestore with some fields and include timestamp field. my data is good running and show it in antd table, the prob

Antd popover opening in two diffrent widths depending on the order in which the actions are performed

sorry if the title is confusing, I don't know how else to put it into words. I am currently learning react and made this application using antd UI componen

Ant design sort table code not working on the react typescript

I used following ant design sort table code in react type script, its not working correctly anyone know how to do that correctly My code here import

How to store dates that will expire in an hour in React?

I have an app with datepicker from antd ui library. The question is about keeping data for an hour after it was chosen with datepicker. Please help me to implem

Hello, I am using antd treeselect in my react js project . and when i am clicking on parent node child options are not appearing

const treeData = [ { title: '0-1', value: '0-1', key: '0-1', }, { title: '0-2', value: '0-2', key: '0-2', chil

Ant Design reset select

I have 2 <Select>'s. The values in the second are dependant on the selection made on the first. When I change the selected item in the first, the availabl

Use custom theme - next.js, less, ant design

my goal is to modify default theme in antdesign but I cant achieve it. I even move from sass to less but still something won't work. I tried probably everything

React testing library, how to open a Collapse in Ant Design

I want to write a unit test that opens an antd. Collapse <Panel /> But no matter what combination of fireEvent or userEvent mouse actions I try, I cannot

ant design onSelect is not firing

I'm trying to use Autocomplete from Ant Design, but the "onSelect" is not firing. Everything else is working well - when I type into the search bar, my ingredie