Category "antd"

AntD custom color for active tab without css/less,

I am trying to change the background color for the active tab from AntD tabs, I can achieve that with less file by targeting: .ant-tabs-tab.ant-tabs-tab-active

How to delete a list item from ant design List?

I want to show a list of data in ant design List. I also want to add a delete or remove button at the end of the each list item. I am unable to find any API fo

How to change the background color of an InputNumber?

<InputNumber min={13} max={125} defaultValue={this.props.defaultValue} style={{ width: this.props.width, borderColor: this.

antd Table Summary

I have an antd table where I want to summarize columns in the footer. However, I'm having issues getting them to line up properly with my columns. I've tried t

TypeScript error in directory/node_modules/@antv/g6-core/lib/types/index.d.ts(24,37): Type expected. TS1110

After cloning the repo from GitHub and installing packages by running yarn install, when I'm run the project getting this error. I tried to update react script

Tailwinds + Ant design : Button color is white but has own color wnen I hover it

I applied the tailwind CSS and Ant design with my Next.js project. I found the primary button got a white color. But it shows own primary button color when the

react.js antd carousel with arrows

I am looking at using the antd Caroseul, but I've not seen an example that creates a prev/next or pause button. const { Carousel } = antd; ReactDOM.render(

TreeSelect is hidden behind when using it in a Modal and trying to open it to see it's elements

I tried using the Ant Design TreeSelect component withing a Modal, but when opening that TreeSelect the values of the tree is hidden behind the Modal. I tried