Category "angular"

How to increase width of pTooltip in PrimeNG

I'm using PrimeNG's tooltip and am trying to make it wider when it has lots of text in it, but it is not responding to anything I try. I have tried using Prime

How to change display date of mat date picker in angular?

I am using reactive form and my normal date picker shows values like Now I only want to show month and year instead of '5/18/2022'. Is there a way to only chan

Signalr callbacks are run outside angular zone?

I have a strange problem with signalr and angular. We recently upgraded signalr to use the @microsoft/signalr package instead of the @aspnet/signalr one and we

How to check pending schedules in queue schedular of RxJS?

I am using this code in for loop: my purpose was to once I get response of 1st request then only it should execute second request then 3rd and so on. queueSche

Tooltip Wrap in Nebular Framework

I am working in the Akveo Nebular framework using the ngxAdmin core theme using tooltips as hints on complicated settings. I am needing the tooltip to wrap, how

Accessing assets folder in angular when deployed to Wildfly

So the main problem is when I deployed Angular app to wildfly, it tries to use assets-folder straight from the host, not from the host/pdv/assets. Failed to loa

How to use .slice().reverse() in *ngFor with | keyvalue?

I often use .slice().reverse() in *ngFor to display elements in reverse order. But now I have a problem, because I also use | keyvalue. How to use .slice().reve

Rendering Overlay Containers when theming Angular Material?

According to this tutorial we should be able to add the class needed to render the overlay container that backs Angular Material Select, Snackbar, etc. like thi

How to hide currency symbol in angular currency pipe

I'm trying to use Angular currency pipe and I wanted to remove the currency symbol all together from the formatted number, but it seems there is no option to do

Angular i18n with em and strong?

I'm preparing an application for internationalization with the @angular/localize library, so I'm going through and adding i18n attributes to fields that contain

How to check 2 conditions in angular ngif

I am little stuck trying to get this *ngIf to work correctly. What I am trying to do is show the div if it is empty only if the user viewing is owner. If the us

Angular grid with server side filtering, sorting and pagination?

I want to implement Angular grid with server side pagination, filtering and sorting> Ag grid provide these feature in enterprise edition only. Is there any o

Angular 10 - cannot force error using HttpClient delete()

so I'm following an Angular tutorial right now and in the error-handling-chapter I'm currently stuck because I cannot force an error to appear when feeding a Ht

Paginator set always at the first page primeng

The user, after a research that loads values in table, can use pagination to show the other pages with the other value. The problem is that the user see pagina

single-spa - how to load an Angular app without using SystemJS

I have an AngularJS version 1.4 application and I want to migrate to Angular 12+ . So I decided to use single-spa to integrate the new Angular App to the Legacy

Bootstrap modal dialog is disabled in a project where Material modules are added

I am transferring my Bootstrap based Angular 11 project to Material based. Menu, Sidenav and new Material based components are working well. However my old Boot

Angular 12 - TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'writeValue')

Angular 12 - TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'writeValue') I'm creating a generic text input component, everything works well while serving t

Angular 12 css fallback

Angular 12's css are generating a fallback for css's variables. How can I prevent that?

Error in console: ng.probe is not a function

Yesterday I updated Angular CLI and core to 8.0.0v. After that I successfully initialized a new app and ran it. Once the app was built and served on localhost:4

delay modules preload after first app rendering

I'm currently working on a single page app. in the main page several card are displayed. These cards may be enabled or disabled. If disabled, only the title of