Category "android-wifi"

How to automatically switch to the strongest WiFi access point with same SSID but multiple BSSID in nativescript?

I am writing a program to automatically switch to the strongest WiFi Access Point where there are access points with same SSID and different BSSID. When there

Creating P2P Connections with Wi-Fi : Message passing issue

I'm working with Wifi P2P Connection to send and receive messages between two Android Devices using below tutorials

Support for Wifi P2P in Android Instant App

Does Android Instant App support Wifi P2P? I've tried to implement a sample Instant App with WIFI P2P but WifiP2pManager returned from context is always null. A

Error In Wifi Toggle Android Code

I get this error when I press the button for the wifi toggle and the app stops working.It mentions that the user has no permission to access wifi state.The thin

WiFi suggestion API fail on Android

I've been trying to use the new Android WiFi Suggestion API with the code taken exactly from the example, but each time I try to connect to a network, when I ca