Category "android-scrollview"

how to make full screen activity with status bar on top of it while scrollbar is not scrolling full in Activity when it focus on editText?

Issue is that when I enter text in EditText then ScrollView does not work and does not scroll in my activity fun statusBarColor(activity: Activity) {

how to make full screen activity with status bar on top of it while scrollbar is not scrolling full in Activity when it focus on editText?

Issue is that when I enter text in EditText then ScrollView does not work and does not scroll in my activity fun statusBarColor(activity: Activity) {

Change the Color of ScrollView Programmatically

What I'm currently doing Currently, I have changed the scrollbar in my XML file using the android:scrollbarThumbVertical property like so: <ScrollView

ScrollView does not show content when its constrained by "Match-constrains" inside a layout

I have a ScrollView inside my Constrained layout which contains another constrained layout, the view does not show its content if I set its height to "Match-Con