Category "android-room"

Sending an ID or an object as String to the next screen in Jetpack Compose?

I have 30 users displayed in a LazyColumn. On user click, I navigate forward to UserDetailsScreen. My question, is it better to pass the ID of the user and crea

How to filter data by date and month only in room database and ignoring year

@Query("Select * From Mstudent where (strftime('%d%m',dob)) = :todayDate order by (strftime('%d%m',dob))") List<Mstudent> getStudentByBirthDate(Da

How to access and return the result of an AsyncTask from a repository?

I'm new to coding, put already in a lot of hours and feel like I'm progressing step by step. However, I've encountered a problem that I was not able to solve ev

How to delete audio file record and remove checked recyclerview item after user clicks 'Yes' on alert dialog

I have an alert dialog that pops up when the user clicks the delete button. Alert dialog When the user clicks yes, I want the recyclerview item they selected to

Clear table and reset autoincrement primary key

I want to delete all from my table and reset autoincrement primary key. I do this : @Query("delete from sqlite_sequence where name='bin';") void delete(); @

Android Studio Database Inspector always showing database as "closed"

I am trying to use Database Inspector in Android Studio. Why I run the app on the device, it inspector is always showing my application database (highlighted in

Android room persistent: AppDatabase_Impl does not exist

My app database class @Database(entities = {Detail.class}, version = Constant.DATABASE_VERSION) public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase { p

Pre-packaged database has an invalid schema error

I'm building an Android application based on an old Android project. In my new application I'm using Room. I have to use the same database that is used in the

Room database reset to default values which was set by prepopulating database when clearing app from background

I have a database which is prepopulated with some tables which is working fine. I have prepopulated my db. like this Room.databaseBuilder( get(),

Room database - edit entities

I have a question. I edited my Room entity from this: @Entity(tableName = "users") public class User { public User(String username, String email, String passwo

Android custom keyboard suggestions

I am building a custom keyboard for android, the one that atleast supports autocomplete suggestions. To achieve this, I am storing every word that user types (n

Room database - edit entities

I have a question. I edited my Room entity from this: @Entity(tableName = "users") public class User { public User(String username, String email, String passwo

Single or multiple DAO and Repository in Android Room database project?

I have a Room database project which has a DAO and a Repository (mediator between different data sources) for each table in the database. It is a lot files and

How to add/remove characters inside TextField?

I have a Room database with a table that holds users. Each user has an ID and a name. My goal is to change the name of the user based on the ID. Here is what I

Room field / getter mismatch warning when using sealed classes or Any

I have a Room (v2.4.0-beta01) database, and whilst it works fine, during the build it gives a field vs getter mismatch warning on a few fields, included below.

Error while using suspend with DAO methods

I am getting a compilation error that I have described below. I have tried different solution provided on similar question like mine but neither of them worked

What to send as Content

In my application, I save data to Firebase and to local storage using the Room library. With Firebase, everything is clear to me. But with Rom I had questions.

Using UUID for Primary Key using Room with Android

I need to sync my Android mobile app with a multi-tenant database in the cloud. I thought the best way to do this was using a UUID for the Primary Key of my tab

Caused by: java.lang.Exception: No native library is found for and os.arch=aarch64. path=/org/sqlite/native/Mac/aarch64

I am using Android Studio [Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 1] My room library version is [2.3.0] Used Gradle version [7.0.1] Also added kapt 'org.xer

Store data and "Cannot create an instance of class ViewModel" - Hilt - Room - JetpackCompose

I try to store some days from ScheduleScreen screen. Lib uses in theme topic. While I was doing this, I had two questions: why i got this error Cannot create an