Category "android-camera2"

Can camera2 API tell me the difference between the current exposure and the ideal one?

We're building a camera app, and we want to use manual exposure. We don't want the exposure algorithm to set the ISO and exposure duration; instead we want it t

Samsung S21 camera2 API issue with near object

I am using Camera 2 API for capture image and it is working fine for other device than Samsung S 21 ultra 5G Android ver 11. I am getting blurry image when capt

Cannot take picture on flutter camera because of "unconfigured surface"

I wanted to capture the image and display a preview screen showing the captured image. It worked fine before, but once I added object detection, I receive a gro

How to set android camera2 preview and capture size?

I am using a SurfaceView to show the preview I capture. I want to use width=1080,height=1920 for the preview. Where can I set the size of the preview? I google

How to use camera2 with detect barcode

Camera is now deprecated and the recommend is to use camera2, can some one guide me to have any idea how to use camera2 with detect barcode

Calling of camera from different thread

I am writing a code that should capture images and send it to a python server. One part of this code requires calling the camera. My solution for this was to si

YUV buffer size not matching image size

I am currently using Android Camera2 API and decoding the frames through an ImageReader in a YUV_420_888 format. I managed to get everything working, all looks

Camera2 Surface had no valid native Surface

I was trying so long for Camera2 api integration to my app.Its working fine for capturing image at first.But when i snap second time the preview was not coming.