Category "amazon-vpc"

How can an S3 event trigger a Lambda Function in a VPC?

I have one query. I tried to google it but could not find the answer specific to my query. S3 is a global service. We can access it via the internet or using th

AWS System Manager start session: An error occurred (TargetNotConnected) when calling the StartSession operation: <instance_id> is not connected

Problem: When I try to locally connect to a running EC2 instance using the AWS System Session Manager CLI command: aws ssm start-session --target i-123456 I get

Calling Service A from B is giving connecton refused using ECS CLI with docker compose. What might be the reason?

I have setup an ECS Cluster and I'm using ECS CLI to create services/tasks from my existing docker-compose file. This is how my compose file looks like: version

Do I have to change my AWS VPC settings if client's VPN is updated?

I have a situation where I was informed that an organization I'm working with will be undergoing VPN changes and updates. I have AWS VPC set up in conjunction w

Creating a VPC Interface Endpoint for SQS in Cloud Formation

I was wondering if it is possible to create a Resource in my CloudFormation file to create a VPC Endpoint for SQS. I was able to do this for SQS and DynamoDB, b

Terraform how to output object id that were created using count

I have a terraform module that creates 2 subnets. I need somehow to get the output for each subnet. When using the [count.index] as part of the output block I'm

Connect AWS Amplify React Dashboard to backend services in private VPC

I have created a private subnet in a VPC with a couple of private RDS databases and microservices to retrieve handle request from a react dashboard deployed usi

Connect AWS Service from on-premise server by Site-to-site VPN instead of Internet

I have already setup Site-to-site vpn to connect on-premises server and aws vpc. It has connection between vpc app successfully. However, the on-premise server