Category "actionscript-3"

get var from inside a function to return it AS3

I have this static public function berechne() and I want this function to return data. But data is inside another function, so I can't access it outside the fun

How to find out the compilation time of an swf?

How can I find out when excactly SWF was created? Is there any free decompiler that can do the job? Thank you.

Overlapping sound in as3

Okay, so I am making a game, and I can't figure out how to keep the sound track from overlapping. When the game comes to a lose or win screen, I will click "Pla

How to call upon a color transform in AS3

If I use colortransform to set a color to an object is there any way I can call on that color through the parent? for example var color1 = new ColorTransform();

loop through object properties in flash

I have an object that gets properties added in this sequence. Home School living status sound Memory When I loop through the object they don't come out in t

Alert/ Dialog box in AS3

I am working on a app using Adobe flash Builder which should pop up a Alert window once a particular event has been triggered. Another event needs to be called

Convert pixel location to latitude/longitude & vise versa

I need to convert latitude longitude values into pixel positions as well as do the opposite. I've found many solutions to go from lat/lng->pixel, but can't f

Using ICC Profiles in as3/flex

I am creating a flash site where someone can customize a canvas. Then they can preview this canvas on the product. Because of the way monitors display colors, w

Flash Hit Test Object as3

Ok I need help to figure out how to make it when the stuntman collides with the hoop it adds one point but instead it detects the collision multiple times and a