'What is the correct way to implement Django password history?

I have implemented a solution for checking a new password against the last 5 passwords like so:

  1. Created 5 fields in a user profile table to store the encrypted passwords

  2. On creating a new user, I stored the initial password in encrypted form in all the 5 fields

  3. On reset, I changed the views.py from Lib>django>contrib>auth directory from my virtual environment like so:

     def form_valid(self, form):
     #all initial code to get the keys etc goes here
     newpwd = form.cleaned_data['new_password2']
     #get the unencrypted passwords from history
     p1 = cipher.decrypt(b64decode(user.pwd1))
     p2 = cipher.decrypt(b64decode(user.pwd2))
     p3 = cipher.decrypt(b64decode(user.pwd3))
     p4 = cipher.decrypt(b64decode(user.pwd4))
     p5 = cipher.decrypt(b64decode(user.pwd5))
     #check if the password is already used and redirect with error message
     if newpwd == p1 or newpwd == p2 or newpwd == p3 or newpwd == p4 or newpwd == p5:
         messages.error(self.request, _('New Password should be different from old password'))
         return redirect('password_change')
         #store the password in the password history
         messages.error(self.request,'Password Changed Successfully')
         return redirect('/user/login')
     # Updating the password logs out all other sessions for the user
     # except the current one.
     update_session_auth_hash(self.request, form.user)
     return super().form_valid(form)

This works fine. But it feels incorrect editing the existing contrib>auth files like this. Is there a way to implement the password history checking without changing the in built auth files?


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