'SOAUI Groovy Getresponsenode.value from xml is null

I have a problem where I have tried very different scenarios, I am a fresh automation tester for api services and I'm using soapui and groovy to my services.

So here is the problem: I have a service that responds to a request and I want to get a specific data/value from the response. That's where the problem starts, because I have passed the xpath of the variable and its value but when I print a log on a groovy script it prints a null.

Can anyone who had some problem similar to this help? Thanks in regard.

Where is the part of my response that matters:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <ns0:outputMessage xmlns:ns0="urn://soa/es/Theater/GetBarProducts/Root">
         <ns1:Header xmlns:ns1="http://xmlns.soa.com/SharedResources">
            <shar:AccessData xmlns:data="urn://soa/es/Theater/GetBarProducts/Data" xmlns:jms1="http://www.tibco.com/namespaces/tnt/plugins/jms" xmlns:ns0="http://xmlns.soa.com/SharedResources" xmlns:oas="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:oas1="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" xmlns:root="urn://soa/es/Theater/GetBarProducts/Root" xmlns:shar="http://xmlns.soa.com/SharedResources" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
            <ns0:Status xmlns:jms1="http://www.tibco.com/namespaces/tnt/plugins/jms" xmlns:ns0="http://xmlns.soa.com/SharedResources">
         <ns1:DataOutput xmlns:ns1="urn://soa/es/Theater/GetBarProducts/Data">
               <ns1:TheaterProduct Description="Menu_Pequeno" ID="C101" Price="5.4" Size="Pequeno" Type="Menu Pipocas" UUID="00aacfa5-8169-4e53-b315-ee9682461936">
                  <ns1:Group GroupID="App1" Name="Menus"/>
                  <ns1:SubGroup GroupID="App2" Name="Menu Clássico"/>
                     <ns1:File Height="400" Path="//cdn.nos.pt/cinemas/products/files/400x400/null" Width="400"/>
                     <ns1:File Height="225" Path="//cdn.nos.pt/cinemas/products/files/225x225/null" Width="225"/>
                     <ns1:File Height="1000" Path="//cdn.nos.pt/cinemas/products/files/1000x1000/null" Width="1000"/>
                           <ns1:TheaterProduct Description="Caixa Doce Pequena" ID="B028" Index="1" Size="Pequeno" Type="Doces" UUID="6fad59b3-b623-4f59-9fda-a25cf4cc2738">
                              <ns1:Group GroupID="02" Name="Pipocas"/>
                           <ns1:TheaterProduct Description="Caixa Sal Pequena" ID="B032" Index="2" Size="Pequeno" Type="Salgadas" UUID="4c69ead4-04a6-4413-9e21-bd25a9ab51ee">
                              <ns1:Group GroupID="02" Name="Pipocas"/>
                           <ns1:TheaterProduct Description="Caixa Mista Pequena" ID="B070" Index="3" Size="Pequeno" Type="Mistas" UUID="663f57b3-0534-4e75-9f41-fedbef008b4a">
                              <ns1:Group GroupID="02" Name="Pipocas"/>

The values I want to get is the ID and the UUID of second TheaterProduct that is like this:

<ns1:TheaterProduct Description="Caixa Doce Pequena" ID="B028" Index="1" Size="Pequeno" Type="Doces" UUID="6fad59b3-b623-4f59-9fda-a25cf4cc2738">
                              <ns1:Group GroupID="02" Name="Pipocas"/>

Then there is this script that I created but it returns null for reasons I don't know, since I have tried every possible solution I have thought and searched.

Here is the script in groovy:

//vai buscar o valor prentendido ao response
import com.eviware.soapui.support.XmlHolder

//Using context object retrieve the response of a soaprequest - AddRequest
def res = context.expand('${SOAP#response}')
//log.info res

//To parse and get the tags in req/res we have to use XMLHolder class
def response = new XmlHolder(res)

//To retrieve the result of request and response tags using getNodeValue Method

//def reqvalue1 = response.getNodeValue('//ns1:Session[1]/@UUID')
def reqvalue1 = response.getNodeValue('//ns1:TheaterProduct[1]/@UUID')
def reqvalue2 = response.getNodeValue('//ns1:Header/ns1:DataOutput/ns1:TheaterProductItems/ns1:TheaterProductItem/ns1:TheaterProducts/ns1:TheaterProduct[1]/@ID')

log.info reqvalue1
log.info reqvalue2

//cria um ficheiro com o valor da resposta pretendido
//new File('sessionID').text = reqvalue1

//Descomentar a linha seguinte para correr na propria maquina
//e comentar a linha que cria o ficheiro

The case is I have used this line that works for a different service but it doesn't work here, which is really weird.

Here a proof of the line working on a different service:

Different service with the line of the script working and getting a value

Here is my response for the service I need:

Service getting a null value

If someone knows about any solution or something like it would help me a lot.

Solution 1:[1]

XML needs to have namespaces defined and associated with each node. Your code

def reqvalue1 = response.getNodeValue('//ns1:TheaterProduct[1]/@UUID')

uses namespace ns1, however you did not define it.

For read-only operations, it is perfectly safe to use the wildcard namespace, like so:

def reqvalue1 = response.getNodeValue('//*:TheaterProduct[1]/@UUID')

Also note that internally SoapUI keeps everything represented as XML. You can ready the node value right at your context.expand() line, line so:

def reqvalue1 = context.expand('${SOAP#Response#//*:TheaterProduct[1]/@UUID}')

SoapUI tips & tricks has some additional information.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 SiKing