'Sass is having hard time parsing a CSS RGB syntax

Just plugged in gulp-sass into an existing project, and I'm getting an error when I try to write an RGB syntax as follows:

rgb(70 168 255 / 0.05)

The log:

[17:51:58] Starting 'compileCSS'...
Error in plugin "sass"
Error: Function rgb is missing argument $green.
        on line 77 of src/xxx.css
>>     background-color: rgb(70 168 255 / 0.05);

This is a valid CSS sytnax (which my chrome apparently decided it should be my default syntax). Am I forced to replace all of the occurrences with commas?

Solution 1:[1]


dart-sass has been deprecated in favor of sass

According to sass, node-sass doesn't support color level 4. Therefore, I used the dart-sass compiler instead.

Solution 2:[2]

Use sass instead of node-sass.

% npm uninstall node-sass
% npm install sass


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 jqgsninimo