'Ruby on Rails Slim Templates with HTML Entity Escaping

I have a RoR slim template with the following:

input(type="text" placeholder="I'm looking for…")

But sadly it outputs the HTML entity escape 'as-is' i.e. string literal. I'm using the rails gem 'slim' for template rendering the input field.

Desired output with the ellipsis character …

<input type="text" placeholder="I'm looking for…">

Actual output

<input type="text" placeholder="I'm looking for&hellip;">

I've tried adding a html_safe call to the end but to no avail e.g.

input(type="text" placeholder="I'm looking for&hellip;").html_safe

Thanks a bunch.

Solution 1:[1]

Self solved, simple solution, obvious answer - set of parenthesis needed:

input(type="text" placeholder=("I'm looking for&hellip;".html_safe))

Solution 2:[2]

According to Slim's website , Text is escaped by default. To prevent escape, prefix with double equals signs. So (un-intuitively),

input(type="text" placeholder=="I'm looking for&hellip;")

should work just as well.

For stand-alone unescapes, one could use


Remember: make sure the escape character is surrounded by double quotes!

Solution 3:[3]

<%= text_field_tag nil, nil, placeholder: "I'm looking for&hellip;".html_safe %>

or give more info about your input helper


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 omgaz
Solution 2 Ben Leadholm
Solution 3 Anton Grigoryev