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Why does a double-tap in UITextView select multiple words like "United States"?

Within any UITextView if you have text like "Cornell University", "United States", etc. and double tap "Cornell" or "United". it selects both words. This is un

Reading the file only once for every method call

I am new to object-oriented programming and I am working on a small personal project with some SQL scripts. I have a scenario where a SQL script calls a static

Can I Clear App Storage with React Native?

Can I clean App cache and storage with a function in React Native? I have a project with some internal databases and I need to clear all data in one process, ho

Inclination issue in text while facing camera

I recently got this problem. In this, I have to make text facing camera always and I figured out one solution which is working for me. The only issue is that te

Chunking lists lua 5.1.5

I am using Lua 5.1.5 and trying to cut tables into chunks(?). I am trying to break apart a table into something like this: {{a, b, c ,d}, {e, f, g, h}, ...} An

Web scraping prices from an aggregator sites

This might be very simple for some. but I can't get my head around it. I'm trying to extract prices and other info from a website. Link I'm using Rvest to do th

Odoo installed on AWS not printing on local printer

I installed community edition of Odoo on Amazon ubuntu. All features are working but cant able to print on local printer. I also install odoo Community edition

Keys of a nested "typed" object in typescript

Given the following construct: type MyStruckt = { hello: string; nested: any } const MY_OBJ: MyStruct = { hello: "Hello", nested: { world: "World",