'Module 'path_provider' not found

I have used several times the Xcode simulator for my flutter app. One time I tried to change the simulator to iPhone 11 Pro (don't know if it did or did not cause the problem) but since then:

  1. I get the error Module 'path_provider' not found.
  2. It seems that each time when I double click on the Runner.xcworkspace file, it opens the project file instead. I'm new to Xcode so not quite sure about that but I attached a screenshot.

Things I've tried:

  • updated according to the instructions in the warnings (which can be seen in the screenshot).
  • deleted all Xcode cache with Reset Xcode
  • deleted the android studio project and popped it again from git.
  • flutter clean + removed all the pod files + pod install from android studio terminal. according to the explanations here: reinstall pod

What else can I do?

enter image description here

Solution 1:[1]

I had the same issue. All I had to do was open the runner.xcworkspace instead of runner.xcodeproj and run the app.

Solution 2:[2]

I faced this same error and realized that I have used pod init manually so I deleted the Podfile in the ios folder then run flutter build ios. The Flutter will generate the Podfile correctly and everything works well after that.

Solution 3:[3]

The problem for me, as it seems, was that the Xcode opened "Runner.xcodeproj" instead of "Runner.xcworkspace" from what I understood, .xcworkspace is the one that makes the bindings/connections between files and packages. xcodeproj doesn't do it and that's why it was missin although I did have it.

Solution: To be sure I do have the updated version of the missing package:

  1. cd [project path]
  2. Flutter clean (or delete the build folder to ensure there is no cache)
  3. cd [project path]/ios
  4. pod install
  5. pod update

Then, when opening the Xcode I clicked: Project navigator (folder icon on the left toolbar) -> Runner (in the project tree that opened) -> Runner (under Targets) (shown in the attached picture)

and then when I build it worked for me.

enter image description here

Solution 4:[4]

In Podfile, I just comment platform :ios, '11.0', it worked!

Solution 5:[5]

I had the same problem that was caused by the linker. I solved it as follows: runner->build setting->other linker flags, and delete path_provider


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 PeakGen
Solution 2 leegor
Solution 3
Solution 4 smallLabel
Solution 5 Asaf Pinhassi