'jqGrid - inline add for a second level subgrid

I have a project that uses a primary grid and 2 subgrids

Projects is the primary grid, Issues is the first subgrid and Details is a subgrid under Issues 1

Everything displays as planned. If I click the + on Issues I get a form that allows me to add a new Issue with all of it's appropriate data...

All fields are accounted for

However - If I click on the + on details I get the following form ...

No fields are displayed for the form

The code is really ugly so I'm not asking for help debugging ...

Can anyone point me at an example of this type of usage - I've found lot's of examples of subgrids but none that adds records to a second subgrid via...

$(plusdet).click(function(e) { jQuery(this.value).jqGrid('editGridRow', 'new',{url:'clientArray', closeAfterAdd:true,reloadAfterSubmit: true,addedrow:'last',recreateForm:true, reloadAfterSubmit:false, ...


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