'Incoming call notification like WhatsApp in Flutter

I have implemented Audio and video call using Agora for Android and iOS. What I need now a way to show notification with Accept and Reject buttons for calls. I have been searching around and found callkeep, flutter-callkeep and flutter_voip_kit but they are using built-in phone app. I want to do it like whatsapp or skype. Can anyone help me out and guide me in right direction. Thanks

Solution 1:[1]

I did try something like this recently, will share my insights.
Some points about WhatsApp call in the latest android versions:

  1. Only when the phone is locked you will get a full-screen call notification
  2. For other cases you will get a notification with accept or reject buttons

So the main thing you would need is a message transfer method, for which you could use firebase_messaging package.

For notifying the user you could use awesome_notifications package


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Nagulan S