'How to implement clinic.js in Nest JS Framework (typescript)

I implemented Clinic.js in Node JS. But I don't know how to implement clinic.js in Nest JS Framework. I explore it how to implement clinic.js to Nest JS. But I couldn't get any answer can you please tell me.

Solution 1:[1]

nest start will transpile TS files into JS then run JS code. Thats why this is not working with clinicJS. You should find a dist folder, with good JS files.

using yarn build to transpiling your TS file to JS, then use clinic docker -- node dist/main. it using nodejs run endpoint file (main.ts).

Solution 2:[2]

I know nothing about Clinic.js, but from taking a quick look through their docs, it looks like you can just do clinic doctor -- nest start --watch and it should pick up on the running server


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Thomas Decaux
Solution 2 Jay McDoniel