'How to grab HTML elements in aspx.cs file (checkbox) C#

Let's say I have I have something along the lines of (in my aspx file):

<input name="chk" id="cbox1" type="checkbox">
<input name="chk" id="cbox2" type="checkbox">
<input name="chk" id="cbox3" type="checkbox">
<input name="chk" id="cbox4" type="checkbox">

How would I be able to get the value of each element inside the .aspx.cs file?
Can I call something like GetElementsByName in C#?

Solution 1:[1]

No, you can't, unless you will mark this controls as runat="server".

This is because in ASP.NET all static html became a Literal control with .Text property equal to your html. In this case it will be:

    <input name="chk" id="cbox1" type="checkbox">
    <input name="chk" id="cbox2" type="checkbox">
    <input name="chk" id="cbox3" type="checkbox">
    <input name="chk" id="cbox4" type="checkbox">

If you will mark any of elements as runat="server", you can access them from .Controls collection of the current page.

Or (as in other answer) you can use the server control (CheckBox or CheckBoxList) for such inputs

Solution 2:[2]

You need add the attribute runat with the value server, lie so.

<input name="chk" id="cbox4" type="checkbox" runat="server">

Then you can do this.

var val = cbox4.value;

Hope this helps.

Solution 3:[3]

Use this in the aspx file instead: <asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="cbox1">

Then in your code behind, call cbox1.Checked to see if it is checked.

Solution 4:[4]

You can also use this.Request.Form. Use it like this:


Solution 5:[5]

Using the runat="server"

<input name="cbox1" id="cbox1" runat="server" type="checkbox">

You can use it directly like:



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 VMAtm
Solution 2 Ash Burlaczenko
Solution 3 VMAtm
Solution 4 KevinCampusano
Solution 5