'How to conditionally cast a type in dart?

It seems if it's just a variable, I can conditionally cast like this.

Animal animal = Dog();
if (animal is Dog) {
  animal.bark(); // animal is of type Dog here

But if it's a property on a class, how do I conditionally cast?

House house = House()
house.animal = Dog();
if (house.animal is Dog) {
  house.animal.bark(); // fail

I know I can do it like this

if (house.animal is Dog) {
  Dog animal = house.animal;

But that seems cumbersome. Is there anyway I can check and cast type in one go like I can with variables?

Thanks a lot.

Solution 1:[1]

This is a Dart limitation. You can check the reason in this issue (thanks, jamesdlin).

Instantiating the Animal subclass inside each if block can be cumbersome, in case you have lots of conditions.

I would do, instead:

final house = House()..animal = Dog();
final animal = house.animal;

if (animal is Dog) {
} else if (animal is Cat) {
} else if (animal is Wolf) {

Solution 2:[2]

You can manage a conditional type cast like the example below:

class MyException implements Exception {
  int customCode = 2;

void myFunc(){
  //you can switch between the values below to see the effect
  // throw Exception();
  throw MyException();

void main() {
  try {
  } catch (e) {
    final i = e is MyException ? e.customCode : -10;

Solution 3:[3]

Maybe it is better solution to use interfaces.

abstract class Animal {
  void doSound(); // each animal does sound

class Dog implements Animal {
  void doSound() {

class Cat implements Animal {
  void doSound() {

House house = House()
house.animal = Dog();
house.animal = Cat();


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Miguel de Sousa
Solution 3 BambinoUA