'Envoy proxy throw invalid path error in docker swarm

i have three node clusters one manager two workers i am trying to route the services which is running on swarm mode by envoy proxy. To do so i have to pass configuration file on envoy which is also running on swarm mode so i have run

docker service create -d -p 8080:10000 --network=my-bridge --mount type=bind,src=/media/sf_envoy/envoy_proxy,dst=/etc/envoy/custom envoyproxy/envoy:v1.20-latest envoy -c /etc/envoy/custom/http.yaml

then it does not run any container. when i check by docker service logs SERVICE_ID it shows error invalid path /etc/envoy/custom/http.yaml

but when i run this

docker service create -d -p 8080:10000 --network=my-bridge --mount type=bind,src=/media/sf_envoy/envoy_proxy,dst=/etc/envoy/custom envoyproxy/envoy:v1.20-latest

then it start and to verify its mount i have enter into container and check it is successfully mounted and show everything stored in envoy_proxydirectory but it shows invalid path on above command


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