'db2 list of stored procedure in a database

I would like to have the list of stored procedure created in a certain database. I tried

db2 "display procedure MyDb.*"

But I get error

DB21034E  The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a 
valid Command Line Processor command.  During SQL processing it returned:
SQL0104N  An unexpected token "procedure" was found following "display ".  
Expected tokens may include:  "JOIN <joined_table>".  SQLSTATE=42601

In another forum I read that I have to query the table syscat.procedures

but if I call

db2 "select * from syscat.procedures"

I get a lot of data I cannot really understand.

Solution 1:[1]

Cut down the details... this will just show you the procedure names:

SELECT procname FROM syscat.procedures WHERE procschema = 'MYSCHEMA'

Solution 2:[2]

Instead of querying the syscat.procedures table directly, try using the SQLProcedures() stored procedure instead. There are a number of input parameters you can use to customize your result.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Uwe Allner
Solution 2 Dharman